
Regular Members

Residents of Iowa who are owners of thoroughbred horses or thoroughbred horse farms or have in the past 3 years including fractional interests.

All trainers of Iowa owned, bred or foaled thoroughbreds racing in Iowa within the last three years.

All farm managers of Iowa thoroughbred operations within the last three years.
All non-Iowa residents who are owners of Iowa bred thoroughbreds within the last three years.

*Regular Members shall have the right to serve on the board.

Associate Members

All persons who have a genuine interest to further development and promotion of the Thoroughbred horse or Thoroughbred horse racing in the State of Iowa

*Associate Members shall not have the right to serve on the board.

All Members

• Monthly Newsletter
• Vote for board members
• Invited to Yearly Awards Banquet
• Support Iowa Racing
• Use of ITBOA Clubhouse Table